Hedonism Games Developer Blog

The blog for Charlie Jackson, developer and designer of Hedonism Games. Warning: geeky, and often crazy, stuff inside!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Demo Script is Complete!

Woohoo! So, I finished the script for the demo now. I'm going back through, editing and putting in programming notes so that, once done, I can just finish the programming changes and we'll have ourselves a working demo! Keep checking in!

Friday, December 21, 2007

MindFool Games Has Made TWO Crush the Critters Games!!

For those who don't know, there actually IS a version of the game out there now - TWO even! My wonderfully talented artist Ariel, and Jon, a great programmer (both of whom make up the wonderful MindFool Games), made a Halloween and Christmas version for the Chumby, a handheld flash-enabled device with a touch screen. Very cool stuff!

Wow, what a day...

Alright, so here I'm all ready to dive into working, especially with the upcoming short day on monday (christmas eve) and extra day off (christmas), and the dang spring on my laptop dies on me. That means that there is nothing whatsoever holding the screen up, and to remedy this I was bent over like the hunchback of Notre Dame. We're driving out as I type (pc phones rock!) to have it fixed, so it should be okay soon!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Third Time's the Charm?

*In his best Dr. Nick impression* Hello everybody!

I've ignored this far too long. I have done a massive amount of work on CtC (although over a rather long period of time, too...) and it is nearing it's first demo phase. This first demo is simply the intro level, although it will give you a good feel for what the game will be like. Also, I'm having to work through the kinks of all the different dance pads out there and how they link to the PC (meaning I'll have to BUY them first!), so it won't be available for the first demo.

Once this demo is completed, the game will be able to go forward at breakneck pace! I will be redoing the Hedonism Games website and this blog then as well, so hopefully the plain-ness will be gone soon!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Item selection works, but...

... Unfortunately, I've found a pretty major bug in the game. Several, actually. I tried to fix it, but had finished a glass of wine and it was already past midnight, so no such luck. I went to grab the code just for the functions and lists, and discovered that to print it would be 58 pages in the smallest font I could read!! Good grief, 58 pages?? Counting code, the game is up past 3,600 lines. This may not sound like much to most developers out there, but since my biggest previous game was about 800, this is major! Digging through to fix now!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Shop 2.0 is Complete!

Whew! While it's pretty much coated in programmer art, the shop redux is completed! The style fits much better with the game than the old list component did, and with some real art in place it'll look wonderful! As lame as it may sound, just buying and reselling items is almost a joy, and that's what a good game is supposed to be, right?