The blog for Charlie Jackson, developer and designer of Hedonism Games. Warning: geeky, and often crazy, stuff inside!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Crush the Critters!

The first of the "dance pad games" we're working on is called Crush the Critters, which is a whack-a-mole clone made for the dance pad. Now, instead of getting exhausted from hitting moles, you'll get worn out from stomping your feet all over little critters.

To the left there is the graphic for the basic critter (I told you I couldn't draw!). The critters will pop their heads up out of the ground, stick their tongues out and hide. If you stomp upon them, stars will circle their heads and they'll collapse under their hiding spot.

The goal is to defeat x number within y time limit. The game will also feature extra bonuses and an adventure mode.

Keep your eyes posted for more info!

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